Coiled Spring Pin Standard & Heavy Duty (Inch)


Standard Lengths:  1/16 Inches - 4 Inches.

For customized lengths, please contact our Sales Dept.

Material Code

Spring Steel / High Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel (Chrome AISI 420 & NIckel AISI 302/304SS)

Oiled (other finishes on request)

How to order

Article Code:
Nominal Diameter x Length - Duty

(ex.: 3/16x2-Std.Duty)

All data is correct to the best of our knowledge, however Headland cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

Diameter A Nominal
Hole Size
Minimum Double Shear in Lbs
Std. Duty Heavy Duty B C Std. Duty Heavy Duty
Min. Max. Min. Max. Max. Ref. Min. Max. Carbon Steel & 420SS 302/304SS Carbon Steel & 420SS 302/304SS
1/16 .062 .067 .072 .066 .070 .059 .028 .061 .065 330 265 475 360
5/64 .078 .083 .088 .082 .086 .075 .032 .077 .081 550 425 800 575
3/32 .094 .099 .105 .098 .103 .091 .038 .093 .097 775 600 1,150 825
1/8 .125 .131 .138 .130 .136 .121 .044 .124 .129 1,400 1,100 2,000 1,700
5/32 .156 .163 .171 .161 .168 .152 .048 .155 .160 2,200 1,700 3,100 2,400
3/16 .187 .196 .205 .194 .202 .182 .055 .185 .192 3,150 2,400 4,500 3,500
7/32 .219 .228 .238 .226 .235 .214 .065 .217 .224 4,200 3,300 5,900 4,600
1/4 .250 .260 .271 .258 .268 .243 .065 .247 .256 5,500 4,300 7,800 6,200
5/16 .312 .324 .337 .322 .344 .304 .080 .308 .318 8,700 6,700 12,000 9,300
3/8 .375 .388 .403 .386 .400 .366 .095 .370 .383 12,600 9,600 18,000 14,000
1/2 .500 .516 .535 .514 .532 .488 .110 .493 .510 25,500 17,500 32,000 25,000